Why choose us?

  1. Growth: you will have the opportunity to learn faster compared to big tech companies, hedge funds, and even other startups. We will work with you to grow your skills in the direction you want and set you up to succeed whether your goal is to start your own company someday, up-level as an IC, or move into leadership.
  2. Ownership: you will take entire features from zero to one. If you have read this far, you probably derive an immense feeling of satisfaction from delivering something people actually use. At Momentic that’s a regular week.
  3. Compensation: you will be compensated competitively, with opportunities for further merit-based increases as the company progresses. We want you to feel invested and valued at all times.

Work culture

Our team is a group of ex-engineering leaders driven by the idea of accelerating others with AI. Above all, we care deeply about polished user experiences and strive to deliver a product that we can’t live without ourselves.

We take pride in shipping and iterating quickly. On average, we release a new major feature every 1-2 weeks and engage daily with customers to ensure we’re building the right things. As we build, we try to maintain a low-ego, data-driven attitude. We believe achieving product-market fit is an exercise in finding truth that demands an ability to admit we were wrong and go back to the drawing board.

We aren’t afraid of working hard or diving head-first into highly ambiguous problems. But we also value mental health and realize that startups are marathons, not sprints. We strongly believe everyone should love the work they do on a week-to-week basis.

Last but not least, we are human beings with hobbies, relationships, and quirks. You can expect a fun culture with social events, casual hangouts, and travel!


We have a hybrid in-person culture, with a preference for candidates in the Bay Area or Seattle area. We will never count the number of days someone shows up in the office, but we believe that brainstorming, planning, and communicating occur most effectively in-person. Our office is located in the San Francisco Mission District, shared with other inspiring YC-backed startups.

Open roles


Send your resume to [email protected] to get the process started!

Interview Process

At Momentic, we do our best to run an efficient, fair, and transparent interview process. We aim to provide decisions after each round within a single day, and we will always provide feedback to candidates that don’t fit our criteria. Here is our typical interview process:

  1. 15-minute remote quiz. A short, multiple-choice screening round testing general software engineering concepts and Typescript knowledge. There is no need to prepare for this round.
  2. 45-minute remote coding interview. During this round, you’ll get the chance to meet with a Momentic team member over video chat. After introductions, you will be asked to solve a Leetcode-style question that focuses on gauging your implementation skills. You may choose whatever language you are most comfortable with, but we prefer Typescript or Python candidates.
  3. 3-hour on-site round. At this stage, we will invite West Coast candidates to visit our office for a final set of interviews and lunch on us. Candidates located elsewhere can complete the on-site remotely. We hope to extend offers to at least 1 out of every 3 candidates who get to this stage. We believe hiring is a two-way street, so this will be your opportunity to assess our company culture as well!
    1. Debugging interview
    2. Systems architecture, algorithms, or frontend interview, depending on background
    3. Culture and work experience conversation with the CEO